How to Roast a Whole Moulard Duck



Prep time
20 min

6 - 8 ppl

Cook time
5 - 6 hours




1 DUCKCHAR Moulard Duck
Smoke Somethin’ Rub & Seasoning
Kosher salt

Cooking Directions

Step 1 - Remove any excess moisture with paper towels.

Step 2 - Carefully score the duck breast with parallel cuts using a sharp knife. Be extremely careful with this step. Do not cut too deep. A simple rule of the thumb is that if you can see the meat, you've cut to deep.

Step 3 - Now that the breasts are scored, focus on the rest of the duck. For this step, use a fork to carefully and thoroughly poke holes in the skin over the entire bird. Again, do not pierce the meat. This step will ensure that enough fat renders out during the cook leaving nothing but a delicious, crispy skin finish.

Step 4 - Season the bird thoroughly with Smoke Somethin' and kosher salt. An excellent alternative to this rub is a 50/50 salt and pepper mix. Tie the legs together with twine. If you have time, allow the duck to rest in the fridge overnight uncovered.

Step 5 - Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. Cook until the legs read an internal temperature of 160 degrees F. The meat on the legs should be tender and pull easily away from the bone. Once they get close to that temp, crank up the heat to 425 F and cook until the skin turns crispy and golden. Total cook time will depend of the size of the duck.

Step 6 - Allow the duck to rest for 30 minutes, loosely tented with foil. Then slice and serve.



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